
EducDesign SA releases OLEFA 1.3.1

EDUCDESIGN, Bettembourg, Luxembourg - November, 2003 - EducDesign SA today released their latest version of the OLEFA Server System software (version 1.3.1 | build 1N804) which offers an updated version of the new media wiki manager (title and basic style features are now available for all element types, the new logfile and backup architecture has been implemented, image sub-directories are supported, bugfixes and interface enhancements, ...) as well as improved content management system features (completely new table, random and list file editors, enhanced manual page viewer, auto-replace keywords support, support for database specific module templates, better search database and statistics support for media wiki, ...). Most other modules have been updated at the same time and offer new features to administrators and users, bugfixes, improvements and code enhancements. The new release will be installed on all customer servers within the next few days.