EducDesign SA introduces OLEFA August release
EDUCDESIGN, Bettembourg, Luxembourg - August 5, 2002 - EducDesign SA today released their latest version of the OLEFA Server System software (build 0H630) which offers a completely rewritten resources manager (now supports MP3, Midi, HTML, CSS, JPEG, GIF, PDF, ASCII, QuickTime, Wiki, XML, WML/WAP and DTD files and offers a new FTP import feature for images and PDF documents), database ratings, fully implemented mailing lists and mailing list administration features, enhanced Wiki features, full Wiki support on websites, three new modules (calendar, stockmanager and network) as well as improved site checking tools. Most other modules have been updated at the same time and offer new features to administrators and users, bugfixes, improvements and code enhancements.
The new release will be installed on all customer servers within the next few days.