EducDesign SA releases OLEFA 1.4.5
EDUCDESIGN, Bettembourg, Luxembourg - 11, 2004 - EducDesign SA today released their latest version of the OLEFA software (version 1.4.5 | build 2R851) which offers a large number of enhancements including many interface improvements, a new icon selection interface, a color picker for custom color selection, a password generator in the user editor, support for JavaScript based pulldown menus, a new site map generation feature, greatly improved cronsync management tools in the administration section, a much better system API integration for all system modules, new access control features in the resources manager as well as improved networking tools. Most other modules have been updated at the same time and offer new features to administrators and users, bugfixes, improvements and code enhancements. The new release will be installed on all customer servers within the next few days.