
EducDesign SA releases OLEFA 1.4

EDUCDESIGN, Bettembourg, Luxembourg - 06, 2004 - EducDesign SA today released OLEFA 1.4 (build 2P26) which is considered to be the most important OLEFA update so far. OLEFA 1.4 introduces a completely rewritten set of administration tools offering over 100 new tools and features as well as a completely new administration interface. The new interface is much more intuitive, it allows administrators to work faster and more efficiently, at the same time it offers more statistical information and feedback on all levels. The Content Management System has been greatly improved, it is now possible to browse the entire site in 'editor mode'. Included objects now offer much more layout and attachement options which allows to dramatically reduce the need of OlefaScript code on websites. The Database Management System now offers freely definable modular and switchable list and editor screens which allow better customizing for all kinds of database management solutions. The completely new network section offers tools and design, manage and control your local area network as well as remote backup and/or sync servers.