EducDesign SA releases OLEFA 1.3.2
EDUCDESIGN, Bettembourg, Luxembourg - 12, 2003 - EducDesign SA today released their latest version of the OLEFA Server System software (version 1.3.2 | build 1N896) which offers two new CMS object types (dynamic XML and document matrix), a new database object type (texlib), more content layout options, content automation features, CMS clipboards, sub-masters support in the user management system, sub-directory support for several OlefaScript commands, automated service mode features, an improved search index database, enhanced statistics, new wiki element types (index and resources), wiki background texture support, more printing options for databases, multiple language support and automatic thumbnail generation in the resources manager, major driver architecture enhancements as well as automated daily backups on development stations. Most other modules have been updated at the same time and offer new features to administrators and users, bugfixes, improvements and code enhancements. The new release will be installed on all customer servers within the next few days.