EducDesign SA releases OLEFA 1.2.3
EDUCDESIGN, Bettembourg, Luxembourg - 07, 2003 - EducDesign SA today released their latest version of the OLEFA Server System software (version 1.2.3 | build 1M514) which introduces a new template engine with customizable templates for all modules, a new load/store architecture offering enhanced file access security as well as improved support for websites offering content in different languages. Other new features include enhanced session id algorithms, improved problem analysis and recovery features, a customizable cms "start" page, a new search template engine and compiler enhancements. OlefaBase now offers automated database statistics generation as well as a database cache, interface improvements and exportable item lists. Most other modules have been updated at the same time and offer new features to administrators and users, bugfixes, improvements and code enhancements. The new release will be installed on all customer servers within the next few days.