OLEFA 12.9: New frontsite database editor for non-admins, advanced LDAP features
- OLEFAbase:
- A new module allows users to edit databases directly from within the public website interface according to the defined access rights. Thus, you don't necessarily need access to the administration interface to publish or edit news, manage libraries, edit blogs…
- LDAP import/export:
- OLEFA now offers fully customizable filters for user import or export via LDAP
- Notifications:
- The notification indicator in the OLEFA toolbar is now also updated while remaining on the same screen.
- Depending on your browser and/or OS users can now also get direct OLEFA system notifications on their desktop as long as the OLEFA Tools are open in one of their active tabs or windows.
- Login/Logout:
- When a user loses his active session while working in the OLEFA Tools, he will be informed and offered the possibility to login again, while remaining on the active screen and continuing his work.
- Various bugfixes and performance improvements.