
EducDesign SA releases OLEFA 1.5

EDUCDESIGN, Bettembourg, Luxembourg - 07, 2005 - EducDesign SA today released the new major update of their OLEFA Information Management System software (version 1.5.0 | build 5G0411). OLEFA 1.5 offers many administration enhancements, image manipulation features on all system levels (CMS, database management, wiki, webbook, resources manager, ...), the new OLEFAdesk application suite (which will become available with OLEFA 1.5.1) as well as the new OLEFA EiS Enterprise Intelligence System (which will become available with OLEFA 1.5.2). The new OLEFAdesk and OLEFA EiS features will be enabled within the following weeks and months to ensure a gradual upgrade for customers and to reduce the number of possible technical problems due to the vast amount of new features.